Sunday, January 19, 2014

Tonight, I created a blog… again

Hello online world. Tonight I decided to create a blog. Obviously, or you wouldn't be reading this.

I've created many blogs before, but I've always failed to actually go through with writing posts. They get buried in the deep recesses of cyberspace, never to be seen again. I think I get nervous about posting things I've written. Let's face it, the web can be harsh. People can be harsh. I also tend to be self-effacing, so I like to think that nobody would ever want to read what goes on in my mind.

However, I will be applying for writing internships at various companies this summer, and I think that having a well received blog would help my efforts to wade into the writing world- nice alliteration! Also, I write for the Arts & Entertainment section at the Daily Utah Chronicle, and many of the editors have mentioned that having a blog is an important step in most writing careers. So, alas, here I am.

Hopefully, four years of study as an English major, receiving criticism from handfuls of professors and peers, has toughened my skin, and I will no longer feel fear. This is my statement of confidence . . . 

(Those dots are meant to undermine that statement of confidence just enough to ensure that I don't come across as a cocky jerk.)

With all of this being said, I'm pretty technologically illiterate. I know, I know. You think I'm being modest again, but no. This time I'm telling the truth. To prove my point, I will mention that it took me about an hour to figure out how to change my picture on this blog. An hour. But, I'm going to try my best to make everything look nice.

Virtual high fives to anyone who wants to follow me.

Good night cyber world. Be good to me.


  1. You're gonna rock the world, girl! Here's the first step and you've done more than just taken it, you've conquered it!

  2. I've always wanted insight into that brilliant mind of yours! You will be great!! :)
