Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Signs that you might have a book addiction

You guys, it has been so long since I have posted anything on here. I feel like such a slacker. I could make up a slew of excuses, but I'm just going to get to the new post.

I will try to be better.

Anyways, I really love to read. So here are five signs you might be a book-aholic:

1. You have to stack books on top of books in your book shelf in order to fit all of them. It's like a life-size game of Jenga. And by life-size I mean book-size. You stack them up, and when you want to get one down to read, you have to nudge it extremely carefully so that you don't knock the rest over.

Gathering books has become such a reflex that the people close to you tease you about it. It isn't mean spirited teasing (or maybe it is… I don't know the people you hang around with), but every Christmas (or birthday, or any other gift giving holiday, or even just a Tuesday) when you ask for a book, you hear, "Do you really need more books?"

That's like asking me if I need more air.

2. You make literary jokes/references that none of your friends understand. The other day at work I had to explain one of my hilarious literary jokes to everyone, which automatically kills it. It's unfortunate because, like I said, it was pretty gosh darn funny.

It has become such a problem that I now follow up any literary joke with, "Just a little literary humor for you."

You also notice references in everyday life that you enjoy pointing out. I do it with music. I find immense pleasure in turning down the tunes and explaining the literary sources behind the lyrics. Especially with Shakespeare. It drives people nuts.

3.  You spend a large majority of your time in a library or bookstore. When I was little, my mother took me to the Sandy Library almost every week. She let me free, and I wandered through all the shelves for hours. To me, it wasn't just a place with old, dusty books. It was an opportunity to grow and develop my breadth of knowledge.

I read books on a range of topics when I was younger. A few of my favorites were sharks, penguins, lions, grammar (yes, I'm serious), musicians, and a bunch of fiction. So. Much. Fiction.

I also have the barcode on my library card memorized because I lost it forever ago and still wanted to be able to check out books. The librarians look at me like I have a photographic memory every time I recite it for them to punch in. I don't-- I just know what's important.

If you're like me, then chances are the librarians at your local library are familiar with you too. Some can even greet you by name. Creepy, but flattering.

4.  Some of your favorite vacation memories are from visiting amazing libraries and bookstores. Take for instance, Powell's Books in Portland. I have to make a stop there every time I go.

And don't get me started on the bookstores in London. Charing Cross Rd. Look it up. The bookstores in London were truly remarkable, and like a true book nerd, they made my list of my top favorite memories from my study abroad last year.

5.  When someone asks you what your favorite novel is, you wince inside. Especially if they aren't a fellow book fanatic.

Don't get me wrong, I can come up with one to appease people, but narrowing down every book I've ever read to just one is such a painful process. It's like trying to choose your favorite star in the sky, or your favorite note in a song.

Alright, that's my list!

Let me know if I missed any.