Thursday, January 1, 2015

I guess I should resolve to do things now.

Hello readers! Weird. When I imagined the year 2015, I figured that we'd at least have individual jetpacks by now. Alas, we continue to rely on cars and buses. I'll cross my fingers for next year.

I'm not a huge fan of New Years Resolutions. You know, that time before midnight when your drunk friend leans over and says, "That's it, I'm joining a gym tomorrow!" Or, "This time I'm really going to talk to her/him!" Or, "On Monday, I'm going to march up to my boss and tell him/her that he/she can stick it where the sun don't shine…"

In these cases, I usually just smile and nod at said friend. Who knows, maybe they will wake up tomorrow completely rejuvenated and follow through with their promises. Unfortunately, it's more likely that they'll wake up completely naked, on the couch, with a noisemaker hanging out of their mouth, and a puke bucket next to them. They will also probably not remember much about the past night, much less their "New Years Resolutions."

The truth is, not a lot of people actually stick to what they resolve to do in those few minutes leading up to midnight on New Years Eve (while simultaneously searching for somebody kiss-worthy, who preferably has a plethora of chap stick, breath mints, and a 401K). High five for that adult reference!

I'm going to put this out there: I don't think that we should feel guilty about not sticking to our New Years Resolutions. In fact, this year I resolved to forgo said resolutions entirely. Instead, I decided that I would reflect on some of the good/bad things that happened in 2014 that made it a year to remember.

Here we go!

Here are a few milestones from my year: I graduated from college. I quit a job that made me unhappy. I adopted a cat. I was hired as a writer at a local newspaper (and had 3 cover stories!). I read books and was hired at a used bookstore. I binge-watched Parks and Recreation, Portlandia, and Sherlock. I pierced my ears. I bought many pairs of shoes. I went to plays and movies. I took a painting class (even though I sucked at it). I was turned down for a job that I really wanted. I attended Comic Con for the first time. I went to Oktoberfest. I danced badly and sang loudly at concerts. I hiked. I interacted with friends, family, and strangers. So many cups of coffee.

Some of those probably seem more momentous than others, but each played a vital role in making my year what it was: pretty alright.

What about you guys? Feel free to share some of the moments from your life that happened in 2014 to make it a year for the books.


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